Happy Monday, everyone! Today, I wanted to take you through what's happening - what has happened and how things are going.
The picture to your right is of The Barn. This structure was already prebuilt on the property when my parents and grandparents purchased the house. It has become a substantial storage space over the last ten years - including for extended family.
The space is massive and was originally going to be converted for my Laser Cutting Business back in 2021. A lot has happened since then, including a newer workshed being built down in one of the back paddocks. Everything you see in this Barn (video below) is slowly being taken into the new shed so that we can convert The Barn.
The Barn will be the homestead for Ataris Art—workshops, 1:1 Art Therapy sessions, and my office space. I was hoping for the kids and I to be out of my parent's place by now; however, since Mum was diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimer's, being home with them has an extraordinary newfound appreciation.
My Parents are both very creative souls. Mum has always endeavoured to create in so many different ways - painting, sewing, cake decorating, scrapbooking, drawing, writing - you name it, Mum has given it a go. There isn't one point in time I look back at my childhood and not remember my mum on a new creative adventure. I love this about her.
With her diagnosis, studying Art Therapy and psychology made all the more sense to me. I would love nothing more than for her to be a part of this in all the ways. It makes sense for me to stay here and continue the Creative journey in her presence.
The last week has been BUSY! I am deciding whether I should continue to do the laser cutting for those who have been ordering from me since day 1 - as this can sometimes take up two days' worth of work. With it taking up so much time, it takes away from studying and working on other aspects of my business. The more I feel into it, the more I feel like I need to stop.
Monday's will be scheduled for Blog updates. The next six months will be busy - clearing out the rest of the workspaces and finishing off my studies so I can commence my psychology degree and begin Art Therapy 1:1.
Pushing the workshops on social media has been a block point- I am working on this. When that fear kicks in, it kicks in hard. There is a lot I am used to doing on my own now. However, this hits differently. The lack of support from those I thought would be huge advocates is the hardest to overcome (not being disappointed and moving away from expectations that I have on others) This also comes down to the shadow work aspect. While trying to avoid being ridiculously hyper-independent, I am starting to see that sometimes, I have to. The Masculine side of me is ready to take action against all odds, while my Feminine side is leaning more into the informant. Inform others, and the action will move itself.
Today, I am also launching my first EDM (email direct marketing) to welcome those who have subscribed and begin advertising my Workshops in other ways.
I am so grateful for Sam at Empowered Holistic Counselling and Wellbeing. She has been so wonderful throughout this whole process.
So, for now, this week is already over as far as I am concerned! Days are filled with Social Media Management, Website updates, Commissioned Drawings, Workshop Advertising and two huge Wedding Signs to assemble for the weekend. Ready to nap already! (Hopeful to sneak some self-care in there too) Mum and Dad have gone away for a couple of weeks, too, so I want to create some free space for them between the Barn and Shed whilst they are out - not holding my breath on that one! I can already see myself sinking into the lounge when Saturday rolls around.
The process of elimination within all aspects is well and truly in progress. I am so excited!!
Leesh x
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